Safana font by Andi Moz is a natural, thin handwritten style font, whose letters look like those of a signature. The free font resembles a handwritten style which is never considered style-formal. Despite all of the above, this font demonstrates itself as readable and aesthetically pleasing for most viewers. These multiple reasons can contribute to your project being memorable and standing out positively.
Handwritten fonts are great for personalized projects, which decide to showcase blurbs of information ranging from people’s names to paragraphs, quotes, and more. Safana can be inserted into digital projects such as websites, mobile applications, or games, or in physical space for logos or unique packaging.
This font has a free for personal use license. In case you’d like to use it for commercial purposes, consider purchasing a license or making a donation to the author.
This is a sweet and friendly handwritten display font. Cute and fun, this font is ideal for writing wedding invitations, cards, or any other design that might need a playful touch!
For commercial purchases, please visit the website below:
If you have questions or need custom fonts, adding font glyphs, editing fonts, and other commercial inquiries, please contact the following email:
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