Salute Riches font family with 2 font styles designed by FHFont is a handwritten font to download and use for free in your non-commercial projects. Falling into the category of typefaces that mimic real handwriting, Salute Riches combines elegance and expressiveness. This stylish font is contemporary in nature and is characterized by its dynamic, signature feel. All in all, it makes for a sophisticated modern addition to any designer’s creative library.
Include Salute Riches in branding, packaging, and advertising. Produce with it logos, labels, and signage. Use it on special occasions for event invitations & greeting cards or in print on book covers and magazines. Don’t hesitate to use and experiment with Salute Riches in as many ways as possible – just make sure the final result is impressive.
This Salute Riches font family is a free font for personal use; a license needs to be purchased for commercial use.