Sansilk font family is a stylish signature font created by Khurasan featuring smooth and modern handwritten strokes. The calm and sleek overall script style achieved a visual result similar to machine-made copybook typefaces that are widely used for learning cursive handwriting in schools for children. Each stroke is smooth and flowing, the intuitive result a relaxed and elegant font that is balanced and never too expressive.
The font family is highly legible for any size and is a good choice for logos, posters, branding, magazines, merchandise, cartoons, illustrations, greeting cards, or book covers. Film posters and title sequences, traveling blogs, social media accounts, and other similar milder uses will work perfectly with Sansilk.
Sansilk’s 2 font styles are provided in TTF formats allowing their use in desktop and mobile applications for personal projects.
This font is free for personal and commercial use. You can download this font at the provided link.
The Massive Font Bundles
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