Scripted font by Lettercorner Studio is a script free font characterized by its lively, modern style. Its unique artistic look embodies an expressive and flowing spirit which not only presents a bolder take on script fonts but also a casually stylish option with cheerful swoosh-like designs for everyone interested.
There isn’t a community that won’t benefit from this font and that includes businesses and brands which can present eye-catching ads, entertainment posters, banners, headlines, etc. Artists can also find a way to highlight their art by adding it to the font or they can make it the main focus with logotypes, typography art, cards, and others.
The download file of Scripted comes with a bumper that allows personal usage only. If you want to use the font for commercial purposes, you need to purchase a license or make a donation.
This font is free for PERSONAL USE.
If you have any questions, please contact me at
Thank you
This font is only for PERSONAL USE. It is not allowed for COMMERCIAL use unless you purchase the LICENSE first.
Thank you, please support each other.