Serrem font family by Glyphstyle consists of 2 font styles. The free font within still holds huge intrinsic value despite the singular style available. This typography features exciting unnerving elements that are visually jarring and impactful to viewers. The dripping effect of the display characters is familiar for everyone and is reminiscent of classic horror comic and Hollywood movie covers and posters. The design is distressed with some gothic influences combined to create a unique style.
Because of its design, Serrem is highly atmospheric and eerie and is perfect for usage on Halloween themes for both print and digital products. It is visually appealing on horror posters, billboards, etc., and can be used for other spooky events. The style evokes fear and discomfort, making it perfect for horror movie titles and intros, horror games, and horror books.
Serrem is free for personal use. Purchase a commercial license to use the font on commercial projects.
This demo font is for personal use only. However, any donations are greatly appreciated.
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