Simple Signature font family by Misti's Fonts is a free font handwritten font that represents a casual and contemporary style. This 2 style font set boasts an informal elegance and an effortlessly handwritten aesthetic. Its natural flow and clear letters give the words a personal touch—a feature a variety of projects can benefit from.
Simple Signature can be used for branding and packaging designs, business cards, catalogs, posters, and other printed projects. Its free style is suitable for websites and apps, including magazine headers, video titles, and other online media.
This font is free for personal use only. Purchase a license if you require it for your commercial project.
Here is the text enhanced according to the rules outlined:
Terms of Use
The fonts provided on this website are for personal use only. They cannot be used for commercial purposes, including but not limited to creating logos, branding materials, or items for sale. The fonts must not be redistributed, modified, or used to create derivative works.
By downloading and using these fonts, you agree to the following terms:
1. You understand that the fonts are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The creators of the fonts will not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of the fonts.
2. You agree to indemnify and hold the font creators harmless from any claim or demand made by any third party due to or arising out of your use of the fonts.
3. The fonts are the intellectual property of the creators and are protected by copyright laws. You may not claim ownership or authorship of the fonts.
4. These terms are governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where the font creators are located. Any disputes will be resolved in that jurisdiction.