Smallburg font family by GGBot, available in 2 font styles, is a free font with a dark and medieval illustrated appearance. It is stylish and decorative, offering a font face composed of unique elements that flow with a degree of complexity. Some of the letters feature textures, which add an extra flair to this already rich typeface. Variations in thickness, width, and x-height as well as natural curvatures makes it a unique and beautiful font design.
Archaic and expressive, Smallburg can be applied in designs where the keywords of old, organic, or whimsical would fit. Some examples are logos, posters, signboards, movie/series titles, online and printed articles, printed books, and product labels especially for ornamental, organic, or medieval products or events. Use it to deliver something truly different with a wow factor to your audience.
Public domain Smallburg is copyright free whether it is used in personal or commercial projects. No attribution or permission is required.
This font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. You can use them freely in your products and projects, whether print or digital, commercial or otherwise. However, you cannot sell the font on its own.
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