Strawberry Whipped Cream font by Emily Spadoni is a creative fancy curl and swirl monoline font establishing itself as an artistic font. It carries an adequate equilibrium between swashy elements and legibility. The energetic fancy font is an artistic fine typography direction to embark on when in need of something suave and fancy. It imitates a seamless paint brush effect, which is easy to apply on any interfaces.
Be its users wanting an elegant logo typography or designers in search of a visually pleasing font for modern invitations, Strawberry Whipped Cream font is more than a suitable candidate. Romantic Wedding invitation cards, love cards, and wedding albums; this font goes well with all. Mix it with the right colors and it’s distinctive yet versatile for branding designs as well. Both headings, as well as body typography, can look fantastic when you use this in books, magazines, and commercial packaging.
As is the case with most fonts, there are restrictions on its usage. Personal usage is free but for commercial usage and in case you wish to influence it otherwise, purchase an appropriate license from the owner.
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Please find full and commercial versions of my fonts. Many include bonus files and ornaments. Please do not distribute.
You can find my fonts on Etsy: or through this direct link: