Things Digital font family designed by 177Studio comes with 2 font styles to offer. This free font family is modern, futuristic, and technological just like its name suggests. The entire font set is formed of uppercase characters that have a geometric and highly digital design.
Things Digital works perfectly in works related to the Internet, social media, computing, gaming, artificial intelligence, and science and technology overall. It can be combined with different graphic elements to create artwork for publications, branding, and marketing both in print and on the web.
The font is free for personal use which is perfect for students and beginners learning how to design. Professional designers must obtain a proper license before including it in commercial projects.
This demo font is for personal use only. Commercial use is not allowed. If you make money using this font, please purchase the license from the following links:
You can also check out the free demo on the following website:
Thank you for downloading and your appreciation. Please continue to support our work, and happy designing! If you have any problems, let us know by email at