Westony font by Haksen Studio is a stylish handwritten free font that captures the joyful energy of felt pen handwriting. Artistic, fluid, expressive, and organic, the font mimics the joy of drawing and writing with a felt pen. It's personal, modern, and elegant; it combines some of the best features of proper handwriting.
Get the most of the font in projects that can benefit from a signature style. Not to be taken literally, the font is great for an artistic brand identity, personal diary or blog, or even poster and cover design. Additional projects for it to work for are stationery design, motivational quotes, movie titles, magazines, body text, labels, watermarks, etc.
Westony is free for personal use only. Consider donating to the designer to use the typeface in commercial projects.
This demo font is for personal use only. However, any donations are greatly appreciated.
Paypal account for donation:
We strictly prohibit the use of this demo font for commercial purposes. If we find that you have violated this rule, we will impose a fine.
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Thank you in advance for your collaboration with us.
Haksen Studio