Yellow House font by Ef Studio is a free font with a unique style for your personal use projects. The font gets its inspiration from the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh’s masterpiece that shares the same name. It combines a contemporary freehand touch with an intentionally vintage feel to give your documents, posters, T-shirts, packaging designs, and labels a one-of-a-kind feel.
The versatile font can be used for a wide range of commercial and non-commercial projects. Pick it for an elegant cover, poster advertising, book cover, branding, logo, product packaging, or simply as a modern text overlay. Additional possible uses include social media posts, greeting cards, brochures, magazines, and posters.
Personal use is free. Any commercial use is strictly prohibited and the rights to the latter are available for purchase.
Completed characters are only available in the commercial version.
Please contact me before any commercial use.
My fonts are available for free use only in personal projects and non-profit endeavors. If you intend to earn money from using my fonts, please purchase a commercial license.
Commercial License
Anyone who uses fonts designated for personal use in a commercial context without obtaining a commercial license and without permission from the author will be subject to fines.
If you need further information, contact me via email at
If you wish to make a donation, please click here
I sincerely appreciate your contributions, regardless of the amount.
Thank you :)