Young Sister font family is a script-style collection of two unique fonts designed by Setype. It is a modern cursive yet smooth and flowing font with elegant connected letters. The typeface’s style is slightly bold and artistic which makes it able to suit countless purposes within many different domains. Young Sister is stylish, with handwritten, and fashionable letters.
Use these fonts to write logos, labels, book titles, educational projects, stickers, templates, typographic quotes, headlines, magazine covers, watermarks, packaging, or on apparel designs. Social media promotions and content materials are two other opportunities you should take full advantage of.
Young Sister has 2 font styles and is a free font for personal use only. To use it for commercial projects, the author requires you to purchase a license.
This font is only permitted for personal projects and non-profit use. If you intend to generate revenue or use the font for commercial purposes, please purchase a commercial license from the following website:
Thank you.