Hello Prawita is a delightful cartoon-style typeface crafted by The Docallisme - Amry Al Mursalaat. This free font offers a unique, playful character and can enrich any creative project with its quirky charm. Hello Prawita presents organic, cheerful, and personable letterforms with a casual and inviting tone.
Reach out to kids and children, and build friendly relationships with the audience instantly with Hello Prawita. Use it for animation, posters, magazines, banners, invitations, greeting cards, branding, packaging, and apparel. Due to its unique joyful character, this typeface may not be suitable for formal contexts like books in general, but it can still make a great typeface for writing fiction novels for children.
Unfortunately, this free font is not available for commercial use unless purchased or donating an amount of the person’s choice.
Hello everyone.
Hello Prawita is free for personal, non-profit, and charity use.
If you use the font commercially, you can donate first.
I'm happy to know you used my font for your project, and I really appreciate it.
I'm glad if you tell me how my font helped your project by sending links or pictures of your work.
We do appreciate your support by donating as much as you wish.
Donation can be made via my PayPal account:
When you need to double-check, please send an email to
My other social media accounts:
Twitter: @Ryal_AM // Amry Al Mursalaat
Instagram: @docallisme // @amryalmursalaat
Website: www.docallisme.blogspot.co.id
Thank you for your support.
Jakarta, Indonesia